About DotNetFunda.com

A little history

Hi! I'm Dr. Sunita Narayan, wife of Mr. Sheo Narayan. Seeing my husband's interest and dedication in learning and spreading knonwledge, I got an idea to provide him a place where he can fulfill his thrust of learning and sharing his knowledge with others. This website has been launched on 19-Apr-2007 and formally inaugurated on 29-Jun-2007.

About DotNetFunda.Com

DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for Microsoft® technologies. Almost all contents of this website have been contributed by the .NET Community members. Our registed members includes Microsoft MVPs, Architects, Managers, Leads, developers and other IT professionals; their experiences varies between 0 to more than 12 years.

The man behind this website

Sheo Narayan Sheo Narayan is a Software Professional working in the software industry since year 2001. He is a true .NET community lover and enjoys working in the web technologies. This website has been designed & developed by him completely from scratch and still is being enhanced. He is also one of the prime contributor in this website. His many of the articles have been selected as the "Article of the day" in Microsoft's official website www.asp.net and www.windowsclient.net. He directly or indirectly guides and have guided many .NET Community members. He holds master degree in computer application and is throughout first in his all educational exams.

Technologies used in this website

This site has been written in C# and ASP.NET 2.0. ASP.NET Ajax Framework 1.0, JavaScript and CSS have been used to enhance the look & feel and interactivity of the website. Don't be surprised to know that the backends of the website are Sql Server and MySql both. The inner working of the website is pretty exciting and technologies like ADO.NET, User Controls, Global Resourcess, Themes, XML, HttpHandler, UrlHandler, MySql.NET, and DHTML have been used.

Thanks to

He wants to thank to the following people for their encourangements and supports while developing this website.
  • Arjun Rao, the CEO of ValueLabs. For inaugurating www.dotnetfunda.com on 29th June 2007 at about 7 PM and for his very good personality, he took inspiration from
  • Vijay Bandaru, Suraj Singh - his current managers in office
  • Rajivendra Nath and Ranjivendra Nath (Ranju Sir), his previous employer's elder sons.

He would also like to thank to some of his friends for their encouragement and support.
  • Satish Kumar Vandanapu, Animesh Mishra, Somnath Dey, Amit Gupta
  • Many others, who directly or indirectly supported him
Respected Arjun Rao, CEO, ValueLabs
Inaugurating www.dotnetfunda.com

DotNetFunda.com inaguration picture

Hope you had a good time visiting this website, Keep visiting the website. You can add more values to this website by contributing in different sections of the website.

For any comments or suggestions, please write to me.

Dr. Sunita Narayan