Introduction to MongoDB setting up the server

Rama Sagar
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According to wiki MongoDB (from "humongous") is a cross-platform document-oriented database system. Classified as a NoSQL database, MongoDB eschews the traditional table-based relational database structure in favor of JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (MongoDB calls the format BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster.


In this article we will learn how to run mongo db,,, we will see where to get the software how to set up and install the software and getting up running..

Previous article has provided about the introduction of mongo db 


The  objective of the article is to learn how to set up and install mongo db and getting up running,.

Mongo db is open source software which can be found on web through there we can download a distribution suitable to our platform..Mongo db is written in C++ ..its available in both 32 and 64 bit editions

ok lets get started

  • Step 1: Open click on downloads and select the suitable version

  • Step 2: Unzip into a directory and we can find a bunch of executable files..Here a folder is created in C: drive and unzipped the files 

  • Step 3: Now open the cmd prompt and fetch into that directory


Before we would run mongo server for first time we need to create a directory where the data files will reside .The default name for the directory is data..

Type the command

 md \data\db

Once the directory exists we can simply run the mongo server without any more command line arguments..

Type: mongod  

where d is the daemon

Mongo has started intialise data in that directory and it is up and running open on port 27017. we can start it using now.

This was simple isn't all we have to do is to create a directory where mongo stores the data files and then start the daemon,with many other databases and packages we have to do prerequisite installations thats not the case with mongo all we need to do is to run the mongo daemon there are no other operating sytem installations and no other frameworks or dependencies to be all compiled in c++ and available in single executable file.

we can find more options through command

mongd --help | more


In this article we have seen how to set up and get started with mongodb..In coming articles we will see more on Mongodb


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About the Author

Rama Sagar
Full Name: RamaSagar Pulidindi
Member Level: Silver
Member Status: Member,MVP
Member Since: 12/30/2012 1:51:40 AM
Country: India
A Software Profesional working in Microsoft .NET technologies since year 2008, and I work for Dake ACE. I am passionate about .NET technology and love to contribute to the .NET community at Dot Net Funda

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