Some SQL queries which should be practiced before going to Interview - Part 2

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Some SQL Server queries which you should prepare before going to your interview. Basically while going to C#, ASP .Net interview SQL Server interview is common. So be prepare for SQL server


Some SQL queries which should be practiced before going to Interview - Part 2


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Hi guys, in this article I will talk about some SQL Server queries which you should prepare before going to your interview. Basically while going to C#, ASP .Net interview SQL Server interview is common. So be prepare for SQL server queries.
Here we go- 

1) SQL Server query to split the Field into 2 Column.
This query the developer can use when the name consists of numeric value like Ram1, Ram2

SELECT Left(Lastname, 3) As characters, Right(Lastname, 1) As numbers
	FROM   [Amatya].[dbo].[tblUsers] 
Note - First 3 Character will be in First Column and the Last One in another Column

2) SQL Server query to returns the index of First numeric in the column
SELECT PatIndex('%[0-9]%', LastName) from [Amatya].[dbo].[tblUsers]
Note - The SQL Server (Transact-SQL) PATINDEX functions returns the location of a pattern in a string. 
The search is not case-sensitive.

3) SQL server query to remove special characters from a string value.
Here all characters except 0-9, a-z and A-Z are removed and the remaining characters are returned.

Create function dbo.RemoveSpecialChars (@s varchar(256)) returns varchar(256)
   with schemabinding
   if @s is null
      return null
   declare @s2 varchar(256)
   set @s2 = ''
   declare @l int
   set @l = len(@s)
   declare @p int
   set @p = 1
   while @p <= @l begin
      declare @c int
      set @c = ascii(substring(@s, @p, 1))
      if @c between 48 and 57 or @c between 65 and 90 or @c between 97 and 122
         set @s2 = @s2 + char(@c)
      set @p = @p + 1
   if len(@s2) = 0
      return null
   return @s2
Example of how to use the function:
select dbo.RemoveSpecialChars('abc-123+ABC')

4) Queries to get the DepartmentName and the Employee in that Department
          i.e  Software | RamBabu,Sandhya,Amatya,Urvi,Shryansh
	DISTINCT P1.DepartmentName, 
	(SELECT FirstName +',' FROM  [Amatya].[dbo].[tblUsers] WHERE DepartmentId = P1.DepartmentId FOR XML PATH(''))
	FROM[Amatya].[dbo].[tblDepartments]  P1

5) SQL query to fetch value in tblUsersDay but not in tblUsersNight
In SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, this can be done using the except keyword as follows:
  select * from tblUsersDay
                    select * from tblUsersNight;

6) Add the 3 more when Nmber column value is greater then zero otherwise add 2 
update tblNum set Nmbr = case when Nmbr > 0 then Nmbr+3 else Nmbr+2 end;
7)  Alpha-Numeric Sorting in SQL Server
FROM  [Amatya].[dbo].[tblTagNo]
        CAST(SUBSTRING(Name, 1,PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z]%', Name)-1) AS INT)  DESC --First numeric sorting
        ,SUBSTRING(Name, PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z]%', Name),1) --Sort by Alphabets
OR In Ascending
FROM  [PAMSVNEW].[dbo].[DemoTable]
        CAST(SUBSTRING(Name, 1,PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z]%', Name)-1) AS INT)  --First numeric sorting
        ,SUBSTRING(Name, PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z]%', Name),1) --Sort by Alphabets

8) When we want to copy table from one Table to another new table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblSubTaskSurveyEvalutaion]
	ActivityTd int not null,
	ActivityName nvarchar(max) Null
SET IDENTITY_INSERT tblSubTaskSurveyEvalutaion ON
	INSERT INTO tblSubTaskSurveyEvalutaion(ActivityId,ID,ActivityName)
 SELECT ActivityId,ID, ActivityName FROM tblSlippageSubActivity; 
SET IDENTITY_INSERT tblSubTaskSurveyEvalutaion OFF

9) DateTime Example Modification in SQL Server.
 SELECT A.*,CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),A.createdon ,113)as NewCreatedOn,CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),
A.createdon,103)as createddate,CONVERT(time(0),A.createdon,103)as createdtime from tblDetails A 
where UID=@ID

10) SQL Server query to find the  third highest Salary from Salary Table.
 Select Max(Salary) from [Amatya].[dbo].[Salary] where Salary < 
  (Select Max(Salary) from [Amatya].[dbo].[Salary] where Salary < 
  (Select Max(Salary) from [Amatya].[dbo].[Salary]))
  Hope it will help you guys in your preparation.


All the Best. Stay blessed.
Your opinion and suggestion are welcome.


From my notebook and learning experience

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Full Name: Amatya Agyey
Member Level: Silver
Member Status: Member
Member Since: 5/9/2015 12:56:12 AM
Country: India
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