It uses bootstrap v5 to write the html code for paginations
First create a simple filter like below in any python page
def writePageNumbers(pageSize, totalRecords, thisPage):
pagination = '''<ul class="pagination pagination-lg">'''
pageCount = 0
myMod = totalRecords % pageSize
for p in range(0, totalRecords, pageSize):
if (pageCount == thisPage):
pagination += '<li class="page-item active" aria-current="page"><span class="page-link">' + str(pageCount + 1) + '</span></li>'
pagination += '<li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="/articles/'+ str(pageCount) + '">' + str(pageCount + 1) + '</a>'
pageCount += 1
pagination += '</ul>'
return pagination
first parameter is pageSize,
second parameter is total number of records to paginate
third parameter is the current page
then from the django template, call it like this
{% autoescape off %}
{% writePageNumbers 2 totalArticles thisPage %}
{% endautoescape %}