How to answer the Forum Questions to Improve the Forum

Posted by Vuyiswamb under DotNetFunda.Com on 7/25/2012 | Points: 10 | Views : 19585 | Status : [Member] [MVP] [Administrator] | Replies : 0
Good Day All

I have noticed that when someone ask a question, almost everyone is ready to post a link. We want Dotnetfunda to grow; it will only grow through you my friends. The Only way it can be more popular than now is to stop refereeing people who are looking for answers to other sites, but we must provide the answers in this site.

So instead of posting a link, please provide answer here, so that when someone searches Google he will find the answer in our site. We also condone copying other people code and pretend it was yours and I know we can't prevent that 100% but if you happen to do that don't copy the content as if , at least change it to suite the question , in that case I will say you did not copy.

Thank you for posting at Dotnetfunda



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