What you want to see on DotNetFunda.com?

Posted by Webmaster under DotNetFunda.Com on 10/14/2015 | Points: 10 | Views : 8960 | Status : [Administrator] | Replies : 26
Dear members and visitors,

Hope you all are happy and learning a lot from DotNetFunda.com. Thanks so much for your continuing support and encouragement for the development of DotNetFunda.com.

We would like to take your feedback, suggestions or comments to further make DotNetFunda.com more helpful in your day to day job and career.

Kindly write your feedback, comments or suggestions on how can we make DotNetFunda.com more helpful for you. You can write anything like

- any design issues
- type or technology of articles, tutorials you want
- or any other type of feedback, comments etc.

Waiting for your valuable input. Thanks and keep learning and sharing.

Best regards,


Posted by: Sunny.Sagar on: 10/14/2015 [Member] Bronze | Points: 25

Hello WebMaster ,

I want this website to change the color and make it more attractive than now. In this present situation every body need attraction and attention.In the case of attention DotNetFunda is 1step forward because every new technology it will introduce. I have seen many of the changes in website .Before it was in normal form and now it is in completely responsive as i have noticed .Good improvement by the developers. I hope You will have respect to my words.Please changed the design color.To be open with you it look like dull and boring no one gets attracted by this .only then will open and check if there is any news thats it. If it is attracted to people they will love to stay here.for even small things.
No personal feelings i had my feeling on this website.


Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Webmaster on: 10/14/2015 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Dear Sunny..

Thanks for your honest feelings/opinion, we respect it. We too agree that the color combination of the website is not good and we will definitely change it coming weeks. We completely agree with all the points you have mentioned above and we promise you that we will work on it.

Best regards,

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 10/14/2015 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Dear Rajnilari2015,

Thanks for your list of suggestions, we appreciate it from bottom of our heart. Let us respond to each of your response.

1. Up/Down vote - Accepted, will implement it.

2. DNF MVP Logo - Accepted, will do it.

3. DNF Meet - for Hyderabad members, its fine however we need to see the budget and other logistics for outstation members.

4. Site name change - In this era, the domain name hardly matters for end users, what matters is the quality content. However we have reserved CodeFunda.com domain that is technology independent and we may use it in future.

5. Daily news letter - it can be done, we already have a newsletter from paper.li http://paper.li/dotnetfunda/1372346737 that you can subscribe to. Will also implement Email subscription soon.

Sheo Narayan

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Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 10/14/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 25

Suggestion about UP-VOTE/DOWN-VOTE system of DNF

Recently I have observed that DNF has introduced the UP-VOTE/DOWN-VOTE system for the answers. I liked the concept.But it didn't add any value to the user's credit.

i) If a user is upvoted then certain points needs to be awarded to his/her credit . Likewise, if he/she is downvoted , then, it needs to be subtracted from his/her credit .

ii) In a similar manner, DNF should introduce the UP-VOTE/DOWN-VOTE credit system for the QUESTIONS too.

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

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Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 10/14/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 25

Site name change request
Though the site name is DotNetFunda but it allows to post contents in various other categories . I am encouraging that , however, both are not matching with each other. So, in-order to go hand in hand with both the stuffs I have a couple of suggestions -

a) Let's rename .NETFUNDA(DNF) to CUTTING EDGE FUNDA (CEF) [Because these are cutting edge technologies (: ]

b) Let's keep .NETFunda(DNF) as it is but allow only dotnet related stuffs to be adhere to it. For other content posts, we can push it to another new site , say CUTTING EDGE FUNDA (CEF)

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Webmaster on: 10/21/2015 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

We have tried to change the theme of the website, hope it is better than earlier one. We shall keep improving it in days to come.

Any suggestions are more than welcome.

Best regards,

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Rajeshatkiit on: 12/17/2015 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Look and feel need to change it should be more attractive.

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Posted by: Amatya on: 2/24/2016 [Member] Silver | Points: 25

I want that Admin should add Map Guide category in Forum Section, so we can share the code snippet and some tricks for it.

Feel free to share informations.
mail Id ' adityagupta200@gmail.com

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Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 2/25/2016 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Thanks for suggestions Amatya. Map is not a technology but it can be implemented in any technology. It is basically a client side framework mostly used from Google Maps by the people. We just need to pass necessary parameters..

Having a separate category may confuse people if they are writing code to implement map in asp.net web form or asp.net mvc so we do not have maps category separately.

In any case we have Others category where any posts that do not come under listed category can be submitted.

Hope you will be satisfied with this response, if not do respond.

Sheo Narayan

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Posted by: Amatya on: 2/25/2016 [Member] Silver | Points: 25

Yea.. you made a agreed statement. Your comment to my post is heavy.. :) I will post Map related codes in OTHER category

Feel free to share informations.
mail Id ' adityagupta200@gmail.com

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Posted by: Debendra256 on: 4/11/2016 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Hi sir,
I am a new user i did not know much more functionality in this site,but i think we can only improve our site by doing some events,some gathering and providing certificate from the site.I think this will one which increase the intrest of developers to join the site and by this they can share and gain a knowladge.


Debendra Dash

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Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 10/14/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 25

DNF MVP logo
I have seen the existing DNF MVP logo http://www.dotnetfunda.com/misc/page30.aspx

Can we make it more attractive (: ?

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

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Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 10/14/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 25

DNF Meet
At least once in a year, we can have a meeting among our selves (DNF members). I think it is possible to meet for the Indians (if we plan in advance). Members from foreign lands can view the same through web cast. In that meeting we may have events (where we can present about new thoughts, share our knowledge etc.), lunch, fun time etc. The duration can be of 3 days (say FRIDAY-SUNDAY). We can even name the events etc....

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

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Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 10/14/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 25

Can we receive Daily News Letter from DNF if anyone is opted for that option ? (:

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Webmaster on: 4/12/2016 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Dear @Debendra256,


Thanks a ton for your feedback regarding certifications, we will certainly do it in next few weeks to come.

Best regards,

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: A2H on: 5/3/2016 [Member] [MVP] Silver | Points: 25

I apologize in advance if its too late to provide this feedback.

If Possible please increase the height of the editor as it will helps users to verify when posting long answers.

My Blog

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Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 8/31/2016 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

@A2H, you can increase the height of the editor by holding it to the bottom-right corner and dragging the mouse (only in Google Chrome). The default height is small so that there is no long gap between the upper content and lower content and user feel the end of the content.

However, we shall try to make it little bigger for sure!

Sheo Narayan

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Posted by: Manicse on: 12/7/2016 [Member] Bronze | Points: 25


For small amount of Credits like 200,300 or amount with in 500. We can provide a gift like Books(Not Online :) ), CD or any software related items.
As we are giving the payments regularly on every month. So basic users like who are getting under 500rs can be gifted as a Books, CD's or any electronics items which can be mentioned as our credits.


Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Webmaster on: 12/7/2016 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Good suggestions Manicse.

In fact we used to do it earlier however few members conveyed that it's better to pay cash so that they can buy goods/items of their own choice or use that money for some other purposes. We felt this better rather than giving only per-determined/selective items. So we started paying cash rather than buying items.

However if any winner want us to buy a particular item of won amount from any online shop available, we will be glad to do that.

Thanks once again. Hope you are satisfied with this response. If not please let us know.

Best regards,

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Prudhvisagar on: 2/9/2017 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

DotNetFunda, a good platform for .Net developers, Seeing DotNetFunda after long time, despite, i feel UI of the website is same from two years, my opinion is to change the design of the DotNetFunda, which makes appear shining to visitors and make visitors feel good and add more technologies, seeing visitors are becoming less, please make change design of the DotnetFunda.

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Webmaster on: 2/9/2017 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Dear PrudhviSagar,

Thanks for your valuable suggestion in DotNetFunda, We shall keep improving in days to come

Best regards,

Webmaster, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Robbieweeks on: 2/23/2018 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

It is better to make new design, especially when it is many opportunities for this and also there are a vide choose of this designs

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Posted by: Johnwiliam5946 on: 10/22/2018 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Thanks for the great informative post!

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Posted by: Seonavin on: 11/23/2018 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

its a really very helpful electronic platform to get informations

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Posted by: Edwardrosen on: 1/1/2020 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Thanks for sharing this

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Posted by: Katherine on: 2/6/2020 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Opening a business requires planning, effort , and doubtless some paperwork to register your new company together with your state or government . And that’s where some not-so-honest outfits may attempt to confuse you into thinking they’re from the govt which you would like to pay money to finish your registration. Their mailings appear as if a politician bill for documents to finish your registration – and should even include what seems like a government seal. To convince you it’s legit, the mailer may include your business number . to urge you to pay, the mailer claims that you simply got to hurry up and pay otherwise you might be in legal predicament .

Blogging Kaise Kare

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