Which is best for website development ASP.net or MVC ? [Resolved]

Posted by Rajeshatkiit under ASP.NET on 12/17/2015 | Points: 10 | Views : 1454 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 5
Which is best for website development ASP.net or MVC?


Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 12/18/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 50


@Rajeshatkiit Sir, I tried to address the same question that you asked.

- Can we seriously make a responsive, SPA, Composite UI satisfying the microservice architecture (not SOA rather a precise SOA ) by using Asp.net application ?

- Can an application that targets both mobile platform(s) and Web Browser be seriously made by using Asp.net Application?

- Can we seriously make a user friendly URL routing by using Asp.net Apps ( without making a hack to the responses from Http modules) ?

- Can we seriously perform a unit test of the View using Asp.net Apps ?

- Is it possible to ask someone ( Controller in MVC) to make a decision and to route the proper SEO friendly URL that will not only bring more visitors to the website but also prevents XSS venerability by using Asp.net Web Apps?

- Because of heavy size of the view state, many application store that in DB which is a very costly operation. The reason is to improve the page performance. Asp.net MVC completely removed the concept altogether for better page performance. Still will anyone try to argue in favor of Asp.net for better response time ? (:

- Elegant Test Driven Development(TDD) with Asp.net MVC but is it possible to do the same with Asp.net ?

If the answer is YES, please let me know how to do the same using classic ASP.net .

So based on the supportive arguments made, the vote goes for Asp.net MVC (well as per my understanding of the system) . However, then still the question remains open - Why then still Asp.net Web Form ?

As per my experience, it will be a tedious task to convert a legacy application made using Asp.net Web forms , completely into Asp.net MVC given the time / money and learning curve (not only of a new technology but also of the domain - and executing the use cases after going through the BRD for such a case will be a nightmare). Specially if the development mode is Agile (: . However, over the period of time, though Asp.net Web forms has improved a lot but Asp.net MVC was built right from the scratch satisfying the precise MVC architecture.

To conclude, it would be worth quoting Scott Guthrie , an MVC expert at Microsoft.

"Different customers look for different programming approaches, and a lot love Web Forms and think it is great. Others love MVC and think it is great. That is why we are investing in both".

Please share your thoughts on the same.

Thanks a lot Sir for your time to read the answer and at the same time many thanks in advance for your thoughts sharing.

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

Rajeshatkiit, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 12/17/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 25

@Rajeshatkiit Sir, it is not very clear from the question whether you mean to say the general MVC architecture or Asp.net MVC framework.

However, if you are looking for

- Responsive UI,
- SEO friendly URL,
- Better performance (no viewstate),
- No antiforgery attacks
- No XSS vulnerability
- and the application can target Web , Mobile, Tablets etc.,

go for Asp.net MVC framework which satisfies the general MVC architecture.

also please visit http://techfunda.com/Howto/asp-net-mvc

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

Rajeshatkiit, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Rajeshatkiit on: 12/18/2015 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

I am asking about which is best ASP.net or MVC ?
Same thing we can do in MVC also.
Its not clear . Please clarifiy.

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Posted by: Rajeshatkiit on: 12/18/2015 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Thanks for your reply. I understand MVC is better in many way like performance etc.

Rajeshatkiit, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 12/18/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 25

@Rajeshatkiit , glad that it helped you.

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

Rajeshatkiit, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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