Suppose we have a StudentGrade Document in MongoDB. Which of the below query will help to find the documents with a score between 70 and 80, inclusive?

 Posted by Rajnilari2015 on 3/22/2016 | Category: NoSql Interview questions | Views: 2742 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. db.StudentGrade.find({ score : { $gt : 70 , $lt : 80 } } );
  2. db.StudentGrade.find({ score : { $gte : 70 , $lte : 80 } } );
  3. db.StudentGrade.find({ score : { $gt : 70 , $lte : 80 } } );
  4. db.StudentGrade.find({ score : { $gte : 70 , $lt : 80 } } );
  5. All Above

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