In a car there are 6 people.Each one carry 6 bags. Each bag contains 6 cat.Each cat carry 6 small cats. How many legs are there in the car?

 Posted by Virendradugar on 12/17/2009 | Category: Aptitute Test Interview questions | Views: 13024

The answer is 6060.

Total legs of Man = 6*2 = 12
Total Legs of Cats = 6*6*6*4 = 864
Total legs of Small Cats = 6*6*6*6*4 = 5184

Source: Email from a friend. | Asked In: Many Interviews | Alert Moderator 

Comments or Responses

Posted by: Poster on: 12/17/2009
Looks like the count of number of legs are wrong, can you please explain why its 6060?

I am confused about the 2nd and third sentence.

Posted by: Virendradugar on: 12/17/2009
Hi Poster,

There are 6 people in the bus so number of men legs are 12.

6 People * 6 Bags * 6 Cats * 4 (Each cat has 4 legs) = 864

6 People * 6 Bags * 6 Cats * 6 Small Cats * 4 = 5184

And the total of 12+864+5184 = 6060

Hope this helps you.

Virendra Dugar
Posted by: Maxbobo78612 on: 9/17/2014 | Points: 10

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