What are the validation controls in asp.net?

 Posted by Poster on 7/1/2008 | Category: ASP.NET Interview questions | Views: 8310

There are 5 validation control in asp.net

1. RequiredFieldValidator
2. RangeValidator
3. RegularExpressionValidator
4. CompareValidator
5. CustomValidator

ValidationSummary is not a validation control but a control that displays summary of all error occurs while validating the page.

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Nareyugam on: 4/25/2012 | Points: 10
Validation control validates some sort of Data at browser level which reduce the burden over the Server, there 5 Validation Controls along with 1 Validation Summary control
Validation Controls are:
1. RequiredFieldValidator
2. RangeValidator
3. RegularExpressionValidator
4. CompareValidator
5. CustomValidator

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