What is the series of Window Events at Startup in WPF?

 Posted by Shantanupatel on 3/6/2012 | Category: WPF Interview questions | Views: 8840 | Points: 40

* At application startup, the Window events that are fired (in order) for the main window are:
1) Initialized - Main window is being created
2) IsVisibleChanged - IsVisible property set to true
3) SizeChanged - Size property set to size of window
4) LayoutUpdated - Window layout changes
5) SourceInitialized - Window is attached to Win32 window handle
6) Activated - Window becomes foreground window
7) PreviewGotKeyboardFocus - Window getting focus
8) IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged - IsKeyboardFocusWithin property set to true
9) IsKeyboardFocusedChanged - IsKeyboardFocused property set to true
10) GotKeyboardFocus - Window now has keyboard focus
11) LayoutUpdated - Window layout changes
12) Loaded - Window is now laid out, fully rendered
13) ContentRendered - All window content has been rendered

Source: Interview | Asked In: Many Interviews | Alert Moderator 

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