Interview with Microsoft MVP (ASP.NET/IIS) - Brij Bhushan Mishra

 Interview with Microsoft MVP posted on: 7/18/2011 1:46:01 AM | Views: 39831

Interview with Microsoft MVP (ASP.NET/IIS) Brij Bhushan Mishra by team.

Describe about yourself

Brij: Hi!! This is Brij from Barabanki (UP), India and currently working as a Sr. Developer in a MNC in NCR. I am a Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET/IIS and also MVP at CodeProject. I am passionate about learning new technologies and sharing knowledge amongst various online and offline platforms. 

I share my learnings on my Blog very actively and you can visit it at Brij’s arena of .NET( . I am also active at Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter as well.

If anyone wants to connect with you can you please provide some information about it?

Brij: Yes Sure!!  I can be contacted through my blog Brij’s arena of .NET( I am also active on Twitter @brij_bhushan, Linkedin as well as on facebook.

What are your community activities? 

Brij: I am very active in various .NET communities mainly on CodeProject, I am a passionate blogger and blogs at .  I wrote several articles on various community forums and also try to answer technical problems at various forums. I’ve also conducted several Training sessions. In future also, I will be more involved at various communities and events.

How did you get MVP award and which trade?

Brij: I received MVP in ASP.NET/IIS. From the very beginning, I started working on Web Applications in Microsoft Technologies. I explored a lot and faced a lot challenges and several times I didn’t get a solution on Internet. That invoked me to write and help the community. Then I started writing and answering various queries and problems at different communities. And now I received MVP from Microsoft in ASP.NET/IIS.

Any inspirational moment you would like to share with developers?

Brij: It really excites me when somebody appreciates my post and my answer becomes fruitful to anyone. It helped me in better writing and involving more towards communities.

But I never expected that I will be receiving MVP from Microsoft this time. I remember, when I received mail from Microsoft, I was at my office, I got so excited, I could not continue my work and left my office immediately  and enjoyed the whole night with my Family. It was one of the biggest exciting days of my life.

Whats your advise for todays software professional ?

Brij: Read a lot, create sample applications and use it wherever possible. I have seen people, who can tell you many things but when it is required to implement, they get fail. Without implementing it is impossible to learn the things properly.

Be a master of at least one technology but also have good hands on related technologies.  Share your knowledge and learning at communities, your workstation wherever you like most. It helps a lot.

How do you manage personal and professional life?

Brij: Yes!  It’s really tough to manage Professional and Personal life both. My family is very supportive. My parents always encourage me and my wife Renu always have been a great support to me.

Time management is the key. I always plan the things taking all the things keeping in my mind and enjoy one entire day in a week with my family and that refreshes me and makes everybody happy around me.

Who is your favorite MVP ?

Brij: I have learnt a lot from so many guys. Naming a few would not be fair. But I would like to Name one of my friend Abhijit, We started our career with same organization and learnt a lot of things together. 

Where do you see yourself after 5 years ?.

Brij: I will be more community oriented and spend more time with community online and offline. I see myself as a Technology specialist and a good Architect who designs/works on enterprise level Applications.

Your 1 big regret in life

Brij: Nothing as such. I always learnt from my mistakes and they helped me a lot in growing professionally as well as personally.

Your 1 big great decision

Brij: Writing blogs and sharing knowledge, I think was a great decision. It changed my life and I started loving more and more to community as time passed.

Which technology do you like most?

Brij: I like Microsoft web technologies mainly ASP.NET and related technologies and C#. I also like to explore new technologies time to time as well.

Thank you so much Brij for your time to answer above questions, appreciate your time and contribution to DotNetFunda.Com.

We wish you good luck in whatever work you do! team

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: SheoNarayan on: 7/19/2011 | Points: 10
Congratulations Brij, you deserve it !

Keep it up!

Posted by: Biswarup90 on: 11/24/2011 | Points: 10
It is really helpfull.
Posted by: RKesavanspitech-17210 on: 8/4/2012 | Points: 10
Keep it up!

Posted by: Mightier on: 6/7/2013 | Points: 10
yeah really.... Without implementing it is impossible to learn the things properly.
Posted by: Om Prakash on: 8/23/2013 | Points: 10
my name is omprakash sharma. i have .net complete. now days i am finding job. but all companies want experienced employer.
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Posted by: t5j9033387989 on: 10/10/2013 | Points: 10
what a great talking,thanks sir.
Posted by: Chohee on: 12/9/2013 | Points: 10
keep it up.

Posted by: Ajay2707 on: 8/17/2017 | Points: 10
Congratulation Brij for your current achievements as you again get Microsoft MVP award.

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