There are bunch of properties and method associated with ScriptManager control but I am going to show few properties that are oftenly used.
AllowCustomErrorsRedirect |
Gets or sets a value that determines whether custom errors section of the web.config file is used during error.
AsyncPostBackErrorMessage |
Gets or sets the error message that is sent to the client when an unhandled server exception occurs during an ahynchronous postback.
AsyncPostBackTimeout |
Gets or sets the time in seconds before asynchronous postbacks time our if no response is received.
ClientID |
Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET (The id for this control that is rendered on the page)
EnablePageMethods |
Gets or sets whether public static page methods in page can be called from client script.
EnableViewState |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether server control persists its viewstate and the viewstate of its child control if any.
IsInAsyncPostBack |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current postback is being executed in partial rendering mode.