DetailsView control is a data-bound control that renders a single record at a time. It can provide navigation option also.
It can insert, update and delete the record also. When it is rendered on the page, generally it is implemented through <table> HTML tag.
Following are some important properties that are very useful.
Behavior Properties of the DetailsView Control
AllowPaging |
true/false. Indicate whether the control should support navigation.
DataSource |
Gets or sets the data source object that contains the data to populate the control.
DataSourceID |
Indicate the bound data source control to use (Generally used when we are using SqlDataSource or AccessDataSource to bind the data, See 1st Grid example).
AutoGenerateEditButton |
true/false. Indicates whether a separate column with edit link/button should be added to edit the record.
AutoGenerateDeleteButton |
true/false. Indicates whether a separate column with delete link/button should be added to delete the record.
AutoGenerateRows |
true/false. Indicate whether rows are automatically created for each field of the data source. The default is true.
DefaultMode |
read-only/insert/edit. Indicate the default display mode.
Style Properties of the DetailsView Control
AlternatingRowStyle |
Defines the style properties for every alternate row in the DetailsView.
EditRowStyle |
Defines the style properties for the row in EditView (When you click Edit button for a row, the row will appear in this style).
RowStyle |
Defines the style properties of the rows of the DetailsView.
PagerStyle |
Defines the style properties of Pager of the DetailsView. (If AllowPaging=true, the page number row appears in this style)
EmptyDataRowStyle |
Defines the style properties of the empty row, which appears if there is no records in the data source.
HeaderStyle |
Defines the style properties of the header of the DetailsView. (The column header appears in this style.)
FooterStyle |
Defines the style properties of the footer of DetailsView.
Appearance Properties of the DetailsView Control
CellPadding |
Indicates the amount of space in pixel between the cells and the border of the DetailsView.
CellSpacing |
Indicates the amount of space in pixel between cells.
GridLines |
Both/Horizontal/Vertical/None. Indicates whether GrdiLines should appear or not, if yes Horizontal, Vertical or Both.
HorizontalAlign |
Indicates the horizontal alignment of the DetailsView.
EmptyDataText |
Indicates the text to appear when there is no record in the data source.
BackImageUrl |
Indicates the location of the image that should display as a background of the DetailsView.
Caption |
Gets or sets the caption of the DetailsView.
CaptionAlign |
left/center/right. Gets or sets the horizontal position of the DetailsView caption.
State Properties of DetailsView Control |
Rows |
Gets the collection of objects that represent the rows in the DetailsView.
FooterRow |
Returns a DetailsViewRow object that represents the footer of the DetailsView.
HeaderRow |
Returns a DetailsViewRow object that represents the header of the DetailsView.
PageCount |
Gets the number of the pages required to display the records of the data source.
PageIndex |
Gets or sets the 0-based page index.
DataKeyNames |
Gets an array that contains the names of the primary key field of the currently displayed rows in the DetailsViewRow.
DataKeys |
Gets a collection of DataKey objects that represent the value of the primary key fields set in DataKeyNames property of the DetailsViewRow.
Events of the DetailsView Control
ItemCommand |
Fires when any clickable element on the control is clicked.
ItemCreated |
Fires after DetailsView fully creates all rows of the record.
ItemDeleting, ItemDeleted |
Both event fires when current record is deleted. The first one fires before and other fires after record is deleted.
ItemInserting, ItemInserted |
Both event fires when an item is inserted. The first one fires before and second after the item is created.
ItemUpdating, ItemUpdated |
Both event fires when an item is updated. The first one fires before and second fires after the record is updated.
ModeChanging, ModeChanged |
Both event fires when DetailsView change its display mode. The first one fires before and second fires after display mode is changed.
PageIndexChanging, PageIndexChanged |
Both event fires when the DetailsView move to another record. The first one fires before and second fires after page is changed.