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Sheo Narayan

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Silverlight TextBlock element tutorials
Silverlight supports TextBlock that allows you to place text into your Silverlight objects.
DEMO : TextBlock element Show Source Code
To simply write any text inside the Silverlight object, you need to specify the Text property of the TextBlock element.
    <TextBlock Text="" />
Common properties of TextBlock element
FontSize allows you to specify the font size of the text.
FontFamily allows you to specify the font names, separated by comma. If the 1st couldn't find, Silverlight will render the text in next font.
FontStyle> allows you to specify the style of the text.
FontWeight allows you to specify the weight of the text.
FontStretch allows you to specify the stretch pattern of the text.
Foreground allows you to specify the color of the text.
Opacity allows you to specify the alpha or transparency of the text.
    <TextBlock FontSize="20" FontFamily="Arial, Verdana"
      FontStyle="Oblique" FontWeight="Bold" Canvas.Top="20" Canvas.Left="20"
       FontStretch="ExtraCondensed" Foreground="Red" Opacity=".5" >
Run / LineBreak
Runelement allows you to change the look of specific text inside the TextBlock.
LineBreak allows you to place the text into next line. New line text can be specified inside Run element, otherwise TextBlock properties will be applied to the text.
    <TextBlock FontSize="15" FontFamily="Arial, Verdana" Canvas.Left="5"
              FontStyle="Oblique" FontWeight="Bold" Canvas.Top="20"
               FontStretch="ExtraCondensed" Foreground="Red" Opacity=".75" >
    Silverlight <Run FontSize="25" Foreground="Blue" FontStyle="Normal">Tutorials</Run>
    <LineBreak />
    <Run FontFamily="Trebuchet MS, Arial" Foreground="Blue" 
        FontStyle="Normal" FontWeight="Thin">
         written by 
        Sheo Narayan