Career change to proper .net development

By piraprakash88 piraprakash88 Points: 40 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 6/26/2015 10:09:04 AM | Views: 3088 | Points: 30
I have 3years experience in IT industry.
At start of my career I was trained on .net but I hav been working in .net based tool with very less possibility of customizations, I have been studying mvc and c# basics, also took basic training in hadoop development. Please let me know with what technology should I move move ahead with my career.

Thank you

Venkatmanohar's Advice on Friday, June 26, 2015 :
Dear Prakash,

Greetings. I suggest you practice well on MVC and Hadoop, this combination is in demand and you can easily get placed in the companies who are looking for .NET and Hadoop combination. 

All the best.


Note for Piraprakash88 : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

Comments or Responses

Posted by: Amatya on: 8/5/2015 | Level:Silver | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
Lean new Technologies and be updated.. :)
Posted by: Shrepal on: 8/25/2015 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25

With the continuation of PRAKASH's question I have another question --> Is Hadoop training beneficial for dot net professionals? As I have heard JAVA knowledge is helpful for Hadoop.

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