What will I do after BCA?

By crniranjanraj crniranjanraj Points: 675 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 10/4/2015 1:04:32 PM | Views: 4084 | Points: 30
I am currently pursuing my BCA 5th Semester. My question is that what will I do after that? Shall I do some software job for 1 year and then do MCA or what will I do? I don't have good percentage also in my BCA so far. How will I get job? Please advice.

Sheo's Advice on Sunday, November 1, 2015 :
Thanks for asking your question. See, in general hierarchy is BCA and then MCA so you should do MCA after BCA. As your BCA percentage is not good so its more important for you to do MCA with good marks in case you want to get selected in some campus exams where marks are important to at least participate in test.

The other way to enter into software sector is to start doing job in smaller companies even for free to get experience and then after few years (3-4 years) if you feel you are smart enough you can try for other companies.

Read this article that should help you.

Thanks and good luck.

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Pandurangpawar7 on: 11/4/2015 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
After Completion of BCA you join the software company also do external MCA.
when you complete 3-4 year then your MCA and 3-4 Year experience person. and no issue for your academic percentage.

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