Should I join back my previous company?

By sushantraje2000 sushantraje2000 Points: 185 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 11/8/2015 12:56:44 AM | Views: 6028 | Points: 30
Last month I resign from one company that was quite good in terms of new learning, technology CMM 3 mostly I was their as software developer and projects was good Banking projects in some days may have to work saturday sundays or day night but was having less salary so I switch
got offer from TCS with high salary but not in development it was support after joining internal switching happen were i have to work in shift also so i switch to capgemini they also same 50% development 50% support project means i have fix bugs if any new enhancement come they do that type of work within week got call from last company for rejoin they are giving me salary equal to capgemini after cutting in salary small companies give good hike they MNC's so i am confuse what to choose Development or Brand what will be help full.
I have 3 years of experiences in MVC .net

Sheo's Advice on Sunday, November 8, 2015 :
Thanks for asking your career question Sushant.

As a rule of thumb one should not join back one's previous company (my personal opinion). In your case, within 3
years you have already shifted into 3 different companies and your last two switches were within short duration so from resume perspective switching back again is not good. However you must remember that for your career, working on maintenance project is not good for longer duration (depends on types of projects also). 

I think you should try to shift your project in your current company if you are not happy with your current project technical challenges. 

These days companies hardly cares about brand, what is given total attention is the knowledge and experience; so do not worry about brand. If this was the case you would not have got job in TCS from your small company.

Based on above suggestions you may decide what you should do.

Thanks and good luck.

Note for Sushantraje2000 : You can respond to this advice by logging into the website.

Comments or Responses

Posted by: Sushantraje2000 on: 11/8/2015 | Level:Starter | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
thks for help but in my situation i would like to go with old
Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 11/29/2015 | Level:HonoraryPlatinum | Status: [Administrator] | Points: 25

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